Friday, December 3, 2010

Little Lent

Advent is sometimes called little Lent.  Surprised?  I was.

Lent is long and hard.   Advent usually flies by before I have time to address Christmas cards.  Lent is for fasting!  Everyone knows about the Lenten fast, whether or not we practice effectively.  During Lent we self inflict some trivial form of suffering (What?  No Chocolate?)  which helps us focus on the season.  Lent is hard!  Advent is a countdown.

Except it isn't.  Advent is a time set aside for preparing for Christ to come.  Like Lent, it is a time when we should taking a hard look at our lives, and fixing things.  Like Lent, it is a time when we are preparing for a Holy day.  That means we are decorating and house cleaning, but we should also be preparing our hearts.  If you had to pick between having your home ready or your heart ready for Christ to come, which do you suppose He would want you to pick?

Last Sunday my pastor talked a bit about fasting.  He explained that fasting is an exercise of will.  Think of your will as a muscle.  A strong will is necessary as we are faced daily with a sinful world.  When we fast we exercise, and strengthen our will.  (Spiritual crunches?)

I had always considered fasting as a help in focusing my mind.  Daily life happens, even during Lent.  Gearing up for the greatest holiday in the year, I am easily distracted.  Each time I encounter whatever I have given up, I am reminded that I am fasting.  How many prayers would you say every day if every time it you wanted to eat chocolate you said a prayer instead?

Scripture call us to "pray constantly." (Thessalonians 5:17)  This does not mean that all day and all night we are repeating words.  It means that in everything we do, we offer ourselves to God.  I'll be the first to own up, I am not very good at this.  Fasting helps.  If nothing else, it reminds me that I am supposed to be praying.

Consider an Advent fast.  It doesn't have to be anything difficult or visible, just something which will remind you of the season.  Think yummy Starbucks drinks.  You will be out shopping, there is a Starbucks on every corner and they have these delicious, limited-time, holiday drinks.  Give them up and I can almost guarantee that you will think about your mini-fast pretty often.  Best of all, no one else has to know.  Even if you go out to coffee with your buddies, you can just order a plain coffee or a plain tea.  It is just a thought.  

Some context on that Thessalonians verse, by the way.  "Rejoice always.  Pray without ceasing.  In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."  (Thessalonians 5:16-18)

This constant prayer goes right along with constant rejoicing.  Happy Advent!

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